What I have been doing~

Hello everyone!
I believe this is the first english post. I want to apologize for not writing in Japanese because it would take me 10x longer with many mistakes TT🙏Maybe next time I will write in Japanese......maybe...

My name is Samantha and I am from Malaysia. I am in the g30 international program and will be a B4 student this October!

As for my first post, I am thinking of writing what I've been doing for the summer holidays!
I utilized my summer vacation and filled up my schedule without a day to rest!

Currently, I am in my 3rd week of internship at a medical device company in Nagoya. I am working on a new project for South East Asia and it is extremely interesting!!☺☺
Now, I am getting busier at work because I have to finish creating my presentation slide and prepare my for my final presentation to the CEO and board members of the company next week 😰
Well, wish me luck!

Right before my internship, I travelled to 3 countries for 3 weeks!
I travelled to Mongolia and got to experience the nomadic lifestyle. It was something new and exciting for me.

Next, I went to Shanghai, China! It is my first time there too and it was fun but difficult because I could not access facebook & google easily without vpn... Here is a picture from the famous night view at The Bund! Isn't it amazing?

Lastly, I went to Seoul, South Korea. It is my 3rd  time in Seoul! I had an amazing time there. Here is a picture from a boardgame cafe! There are so many board game cafe in Seoul. Can you believe they have more than 100 board games? I wish Japan have these boardgame cafes.. I heard Tokyo has one! You should go try it out if you have the chance~

That is all!
I will do well in my presentation and start preparing for the new semester & winter☃
Thank you for reading & see you guys soon! ☺